Dictados en Inglés - Dictates in English, Resources, worksheets and activities, Activities for Kids

water stories, water tales, Stories in English for Water Day

Recursos Educativos en Inglés - Stories in English - Cuentos en inglés

Water is one of the most precious resources on our planet, yet it is often taken for granted. We use it every day for drinking, bathing, and cleaning, and yet many of us do not realize how important it is to conserve and protect this vital resource. The Day of Water is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of water conservation and sustainability. In honor of this day, let me share with you a tale about the importance of protecting our natural resources, and in particular, the importance of preserving our lakes and rivers.

The Promise of the Lake: A Tale of Water Conservation - Stories about Water

Once upon a time, in a small village surrounded by mountains and forests, there was a beautiful lake. The lake was a source of life for the people of the village, as it provided water for their crops, animals, and daily needs.

However, over the years, the people began to take the lake for granted. They started dumping waste and garbage into it, and even began to use it as a toilet. Slowly but surely, the lake began to deteriorate, and the water became polluted and unsafe for use.

One day, a group of travelers came to the village. They were a group of environmentalists who were traveling around the world to raise awareness about the importance of protecting our natural resources. When they saw the state of the lake, they were shocked and saddened.

The travelers decided to talk to the people of the village and educate them about the importance of preserving the lake. They explained how water is a precious resource that should not be wasted or polluted, and how it is essential for all life on earth.

The people of the village listened to the travelers and were moved by their words. They realized that they had been taking the lake for granted and that they needed to take action to protect it. They started to clean up the lake, and they put in place measures to prevent further pollution.

Over time, the lake began to recover. The water became clear and safe again, and the wildlife around it began to flourish. The people of the village learned to appreciate the lake once more, and they made a promise to never take it for granted again.

And so, the lake remained a source of life for the people of the village for generations to come. They knew that water was not something to be wasted or polluted but something to be cherished and protected. And on every anniversary of the day that the travelers came to their village, they celebrated the beauty and importance of water, the source of life.


The story of "The Promise of the Lake" reminds us of the importance of water conservation and sustainability. Water is essential to all life on earth, and it is up to each and every one of us to protect this vital resource. By making simple changes to our daily habits, such as turning off the faucet while brushing our teeth, or reducing our use of single-use plastics, we can help to conserve water and ensure that it is available for generations to come. Let us make a promise to ourselves and to our planet, to do our part in protecting the world's water resources, not just on the Day of Water, but every day.

Poems in English for Water Day

  1. Celebrating the Gift of Water - Poemas en inglés
  2. The Water's Song - Poemas en inglés


Exercises in English based on the story "The Promise of the Lake: A Tale of Water Conservation"

  1. Complete the sentence: Water is a __________ resource on our planet.

a) limited b) abundant c) irrelevant d) dangerous

  1. True or false: The Day of Water is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of water conservation and sustainability.

  2. Choose the correct verb form to complete the sentence: By making simple changes to our daily habits, we __________ help to conserve water and ensure that it is available for generations to come.

a) can b) could c) should d) will

  1. Give an example of a simple change you can make in your daily habits to help conserve water.

  2. What is the main message of "The Promise of the Lake" story?

a) Water is not important. b) Water is a limited resource. c) We should pollute our lakes and rivers. d) We should conserve and protect our water resources.


  1. a) limited
  2. True
  3. a) can
  4. Example answer: Turning off the faucet while brushing your teeth.
  5. d) We should conserve and protect our water resources.

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