The company´s sales

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The company´s sales

Mr Webber and his staff are in the meeting room. He is talking to them about the company´s sales in the last six months.

Good morning. Well… we have met this morning to talk about the company´s sales from july to December.

As the bar chart shows, we had a succesful sale in july due to our latest product launched during that month: Goddess of Beauty. Then, we suffered a Sharp fall in August and september, followed by a slight increase in October and November. But, unfortunately –if you look at the bar chart- there has been a dramatic decrease in December.

In spite of these results, don´t forget that we have become one of the world´s leading companies in cosmetic during the last twenty years; and I am sure we will be able to find new ideas to improve the earnings and to get, in short, a steady rise.

***cuadros resumen de expresiones utilizadas en el texto.

Verb Meaning Noun Meaning
Improve Mejorar Improvement Mejora
Increase Aumentar Increase Aumento
Rise subir Rise Subida
Recover Recuperar -se Recovery Recuperación
Decrease Disminuir Decrease Disminución
Fall Desecender Fall Descenso


Adjective Meaning Adverb Meaning
Dramatic Dramático, drástico Dramatically De forma dramática
Sharp Repentino, brusco Sharply Repentinamente
Slight Leve, ligero Slightly Ligeramente
Steady Estable, fijo Steadily De manera estable


Adjective Meaning
(Very) large (Muy) importante
Sudden Repentino, imprevisto
(Very) small (Muy) pequeño
Regular Normal, constante
Increasing Creciente
Decreasing Decreciente
Rising Creciente

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